Trump's policies toward IRGC in the Post JCPOA; security consequences of placing IRGC's name in the list of terrorist groups

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. in Communications Science at Allameh Tabatabai University.

2 Ph.D. Candidate in Political Science at Allameh Tabatabai University, (corresponding author)

3 Associate Professor of Political Science at Isfahan University.


    Following the victory of the neo-conservatives in the U.S. presidential election in 2016, the issue of reconsideration of their relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran was considered by that country (republicans and Donald Trump). Indeed, with this policy, trump unilaterally abolished the entire process of nuclear negotiations that had led to the agreement and then, by adopting a policy that led to an escalation of divergence and confrontation with the Islamic Republic of Iran, placed the name of the Islamic revolutionary guard corps in the list of terrorist groups. In fact, the main issue is Donald Trump's repeated accusations against Islamic republic in support of terrorism. In this article, the authors are trying to answer the question of "what are the main reasons that led to placing the name of the Islamic revolutionary guard corps in the list of international terrorist groups by U.S.A and the continuation of such policies will lead the region of Middle East in terms of security to what direction?" The authors' hypothesis is based on the fact that the creation of a break in the resistance front in the region is the main reason for the adoption of this policy by Trump. The findings of this paper, which utilize John mearsheimer's offensive realism theory and a combination of historical sociology and futures studies, confirm that the restoration of US hegemony in the form of the rejection of Obama's theory, non-imposition of sanctions against the Islamic Republic of Iran in post- JCPOA, breakdown of convergence in the Shiite resistance front, providing the security of zionist regime, interrupting the economic flow of IRGC and intensifying psychological warfare and creating more inflammation in the West Asian region have been the six major objectives of U.S.A for placing the name of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps in the list of terrorist groups.



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