M.A of International Relations, Gilan University, Gilan, Iran (Corresponding Author)
Full Professor of International Relation, Gilan University, Gilan, Iran
The role of Hezbollah in Lebanon during the years after its formation, as a political-military movement and based on a regular identity, has been the focus of experts' attention. The purpose of the present research is to investigate and analyze the effectiveness of a political-military movement in a country with the coordinates of Lebanon, considering the difference and the plurality of opinions. An attempt is made to answer the question that Hezbollah's platforms of influence in Lebanon are drawn based on what components? The answer to this question have taken place based on four factors; The existence of the Zionist regime, the negative interference of countries such as America, France, and Saudi Arabia, the inefficient government, and the constructive activism of the Islamic republic of Iran. The following research was carried out based on the descriptive-analytical method and the use of library and documentary sources, within the framework of constructivist theory, and the following results were obtained; Hezbollah started to strengthen the Lebanese identity and brought about convergence in some parts of this society under the identity-benefit, considering the tribal system in the country. Two foreign non-constructive platforms such as; the existence of the Zionist regime and the negative interference of the United States, France, and Saudi Arabia caused Hezbollah to benefit from a foreign constructive actor such as the Islamic Republic of Iran in order to achieve a meaningful balance in terms of increasing power and warding off danger. On the other hand, due to the multiplicity of clans and the existence of an ineffective government, he took internal and constructive measures in order to solve the problems of the Lebanese society. The most important goal of Hezbollah's intervention and active presence in the heart of affairs is the identity of Lebanese society based on authentic Islamic principles (while respecting religious groups and clans) in order to improve Lebanon's position in the domestic and international environment.
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Safarpour Noroudi, S., Simbar, R. (2023). 'The role and influence of Hezbollah as a political-military movement with identity in Lebanon', protectiv & security researches, 12(47), pp. 137-165.
Safarpour Noroudi, S., Simbar, R. The role and influence of Hezbollah as a political-military movement with identity in Lebanon. protectiv & security researches, 2023; 12(47): 137-165.