The political-security impacts of the theory of Islamic resistance against western liberalism; a model for the flow of the middle circle of modern Islamic civilization

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. Candidate at Islamic Azad University, Department of Political Science, Tabriz Branch, Tabriz, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran (corresponding author)

3 Assistant Professor at Islamic Azad University, Department of Political Science, Tabriz Branch, Tabriz, Iran


Political, social, economic and cultural developments of the last century and especially the last few decades in the world arena which in many ways has led to the humiliation of man and humanity, subsequently it has led to the formation of a metaphorical and mythical atmosphere, which on the one hand with the help of religiosity and on the other hand with the help of secularism, pursues human freedom as central and fundamental signs. Two dominant and hostile discourses, namely the discourse of contemporary political Islam and the discourse of western liberalism (despite stretching in and taking root in the heart of history) from the heart of such an inflamed atmosphere, they have matured again and been rebuilt and highlighted. Discourses that, despite having formal similarities, are always in conflict with each other in theoretical and practical dimensions. This article explains the basics of resistance theory by purposefully using "Laclau and moff" discourse analysis methods and will show its points of conformity, especially its inherent conflict with western liberal democracy in areas such as the way of looking at human beings, rationality, government, sovereignty, culture, economy, society and individual and thus the quality of formation and inevitable birth of the theory of Islamic resistance against western liberalism will follow as a model for the flow of the middle circle of modern Islamic civilization. In this research, a descriptive-analytical method is used and based on the documentary and library method, data and documents have been used. 


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