Process model of warning generation in terrorist acts

Document Type : Original Article


Imam Hossein University


Warning in terrorist acts is done with the aim of preventing the emergence and occurrence of terrorist danger. This warning has always been highly sensitive due to the intelligence of its actors, and its success or failure has a direct effect on the country’s national security. From this point of view, it is a significant necessity to pay attention to the design of the warning production process model that takes into account all the warning production processes and can reduce the amount of problems and challenges in this field. In this regard, the current research is designed with an applied approach and with the aim of providing a process model of producing warnings of terrorist acts. According to the research question, the research strategy of research synthesis has been used by using the collection methods of library- document. The qualitative data obtained from the collection has been analyzed by the method of qualitative content analysis, and finally the obtained model has been validated by six experts related to the subject. The findings and results of the research show that the designed model is a dynamic, processed, based on probabilities, qualitative and conceptual model, whose main steps are: identifying the signs of the emergence of terrorist acts, monitoring the signs, processing data and analyzing the signs in achieving the creation of meaning.


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