Providing an Intelligent Mechanism to Recognize the Face of the Relevant Armed Forces in Red Points Using the Big-GAK Algorithm

Document Type : Original Article


1 Master’s degree, Department of Artificial Intelligence, Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran.

2 PhD student of Information Technology Management, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

3 Professor, Faculty of Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Sciences, Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran

4 Master’s degree of Management, Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran.


According to the architecture document of intelligentization of armed forces intelligence, reducing the physical presence of operational forces by using new technologies and digital empowerment in operational actions such as: pursuit and surveillance, is one of the goals of counter-intelligence organizations. One of the smart tools to realize this is the design and implementation of facial recognition systems, which have faced many complications due to the use of different image processing techniques simultaneously and the high similarity of human face images in massive databases. In order to overcome these problems and make it possible to recognize faces in massive databases of over 500,000 images, while explaining the Big-GAK algorithm, we will provide an intelligent mechanism including the following steps: 1. Feature extraction in interaction with pre-processing and quality control cognitive units.  2. Classification using cognitive algorithms and genetic algorithms.  3. Applying local LBP algorithm and K-Points algorithm to reduce the range of images and then accurate diagnosis.  4. Verification by an observer and referral to the second stage of the genetic algorithm in case of failure.


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