Comparative Comparison of Security Threats in Conventional and Transcendental Discourse

Document Type : Original Article


Ph.D. in National Security, Supreme National Defense University, Tehran, Iran


The complexity and abstract nature of the threat has caused thinkers and theoreticians to offer various opinions regarding its explanation. Each of the theorists has defined this issue with different dimensions and indicators, which despite the existence of some differences, but many commonalities can be found in it. This article, from the perspective of two discourses; First, the conventional discourse, which is derived from the definitions and opinions of various thinkers and theorists, which, as a comparative comparison, examines the threat from the perspective of rationalism, criticism, constructivism, Copenhagen, the third world, and inequality, and the second, the sublime discourse, which is derived from the verses of the Qur’an and has studied the opinions of the Imams of the revolution in a descriptive way. Based on the obtained results, the most obvious sources and features of threats according to realists are: military, tangible, continuous, state-oriented and territorial. In critical theories, threats are non-territorial and are not merely objective, visible, permanent and fixed. From the perspective of constructivism; Threats are not fixed and permanent, and before they are material and physical, they are immaterial and social. From Copenhagen’s point of view, the threat is divided into political, economic, military, social and environmental aspects, and the security concerns of the government are not necessarily the same as the security concerns of the society. Also, security problems and threats in the view of the third world are rooted in the nature of developing and their relationship and interaction with other governments, and ultimately the main essence of the approach is inequality, which inequality in its various forms and dimensions, the main problem is humans. In the transcendental discourse, threat from the perspective of the Quran and the Prophet of Islam (pbuh) deals with the basic and underlying factors such as: arrogance, tyranny, oppression, aggression and intimidation, and attention to the happiness of the world and the future of mankind, and from the perspective of the Imams of the revolution, with the view Qur’ani deals with topics such as: individual and organizational, material and spiritual, regional and international in seven dimensions. This article aims to provide a comparative comparison between the theories in conventional discourse and transcendental discourse and to answer the question of what commonalities or differences there are in terms of compatibility between these two discourses. This research is descriptive and research data was collected through library study and internet surveys.


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    ج) سایت­های اینترنتی

    • بیانات مقام معظم رهبری(مدظله العالی)، در سایت Khamenei. ir