International Humanitarian Law and National Security in the Light of Impact-Oriented Operations Theory

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student of Public International Law, Department of Law, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor of International Law, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran, (Corresponding Author

3 Associate Professor, Department of International Law, National Defense University, Tehran, Iran


The evolution in international security theories causes changes in international legal-normative foundations and this causes different levels from interpretation to change and repeal of laws, which at least creates a different interpretation and rather different from the previous interpretations. And the maximum is the copying of previous laws or changes in the meaning of common laws, therefore it requires that the theories proposed in the field of international security be studied in order to evaluate the ratio of theories and laws, their mutual influence and impact on each other. and the formation of new processes of norming and legislation in the international environment should be understood correctly. Based on this, the main question of this research is that what consequences does the theory of impact-oriented operations create in the realization and application of international humanitarian rights and, consequently, in guaranteeing the national security of areas involved in armed conflicts? To answer this question, a descriptive-analytical method was used, and the summary result of this research is that the theory of influence-oriented operations, through overcoming and imposing its will on international law, intends to affect the process of legislation in the international arena and This will ultimately endanger the flow of security and peace both in the national and international spheres.


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