The Role of Information Estimation in the Prevention of Security Crises in the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


Ph.D. student, National Defense and Strategic Research Institute, Tehran, Iran


Phenomena, trends and situations that are created in a society in some cases have the ability to become a security crisis and if these phenomena and situations are estimated in a logical process and by mentioning all the dimensions, details, levels and... are carefully analyzed, that this action (continuous assessment of phenomena) is also one of the main and undeniable missions of intelligence institutions, the governing body will be able to estimate security crises and prevent them from occurring. Considering the high importance of information estimation in the prevention of security crises, in this research, an attempt has been made to analyze the role of information estimation in the prevention of security crises in the Islamic Republic of Iran by using library studies. It was found that information estimation is not just based on speculation, but a serious, rational process, containing impartial research, accurate information activity and a clear and clear statement of the latest state of phenomena that can be converted based on evidence and evidence. to the crisis, and in the Islamic Republic of Iran, information assessment should play its real role as an important factor in preventing security crises.



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