Assessing Possible Future Threats Against the Islamic Republic of Iran (Case Study: ISIS Takfiri Terrorist Groups)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. in National Security, Supreme National Defense University

2 Ph.D. in National Security, Supreme National Defense University (Corresponding Author)


The sudden appearance of ISIS in Iraq in 2014 and the formation of a self-proclaimed government confronted the Islamic world and the Islamic Republic of Iran with a new approach of threats and realities of Salafist Takfiri thinking and exposed it to various security defense threats. The type of this research is practical and with the aim of measuring the possible future threats of Takfiri terrorist groups against the Islamic Republic of Iran in a qualitative way. Takfiri terrorists, what will be the possible threats of these groups against Iran in the future? The method of collecting required data and information is library, documentary and field; In this regard, relevant questionnaires have been designed and distributed among the statistical population of 30 people, and the research questions have been summarized and evaluated using descriptive and inferential statistical analysis methods. The findings of the research indicate that the activities of Takfiri terrorist groups as a threat in the field of defense and security of the Republic of Iran are still ongoing and it is possible to re-use their capacities against the Islamic Republic of Iran and challenge its national security. It is available in the surrounding environment. The threat has more risks for the important and marginal interests of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and the number of actors supporting Takfiri terrorist groups is also high, and the process of formation and development of these threats is predictable and gradual. This group has a consensus regarding goals and principles and in practice they are enemies of Iran.


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Islamic Republic of Iran, Takfiri Terrorist Groups, Threat, Threat Assessment,