Theoretical Approaches to Covert Diplomacy in Intelligence Organizations; Presenting the Native Theoretical Model

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor of International Relations, Imam Hossein (PBUH) Comprehensive University

2 Ph.D. in Regional Studies , Imam Hossein (PBUH) Comprehensive University

3 Associate professor of Supreme National Defence University


Covert diplomacy is a kind of real conflict; So that today the diplomatic activities of all countries, especially the western countries, are based on covert diplomacy to create relations between countries and governments, as well as at the international level. In fact, covert diplomacy is a manifestation of diplomacy that has established a link with the level of national strategy; it is also a manifestation of strategy that is related to software warfare. Therefore, covert diplomacy is a type of intertwining soft war whose executors must be selected from among intelligent and sophisticated people. In this way, those whose mission is carried out based on covert diplomacy, must have special characteristics and have a proper understanding and theoretical knowledge regarding the issues of foreign policy and covert diplomacy. This research, with the question of what the theoretical approaches to covert diplomacy in intelligence organizations should be, by using the descriptive and analytical method derived from the views of some academic experts and the limited theoretical foundations that have been explained in this regard, believes that Intelligence organizations should be based on strategic management levels; Realize the goals of covert intelligence diplomacy with combined and multiple intertwined methods such as discourse creation at the strategic level, concealment at the operational level, surprise at the tactical level, and pragmatism at the technical level. Nevertheless, it should be noted that covert diplomacy is located in the fluid space of theoretical and practical fields, which always suffers from uncertainty and slips in the direction of other forms of diplomacy (both public and official diplomacy) and its alienating borders in order to achieve its hidden goals. It is decided that it should move in the correct and guided path with correct and purposeful planning and realize its hidden art in realizing national goals through intelligence channels with pre-planned scenarios; otherwise it will face challenges and calculation errors and fragility. .


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