An Understanding of the Pattern of Knowing the Enemy from the Perspective of Imam Khamenei with an Emphasis on United States of America

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor at Imam Hossein (PBUH) Comprehensive University


The Islamic government has been established in Iran with the philosophy of negation of tyranny, arrogance, implementation of Islamic rules, setting the scene for emergence, worldly and afterlife happiness of mankind. The factors of its victory are the leadership, the people, the central religion and the obstacles are the enemies, and at the top of them is the arrogance of the world and the United States of America. From the first days of Imam Khomeini’s campaigns, the United States of America opposed the actions of Imam Khomeini and the efforts of the people. Imam Khamenei as his rightful successor emphasizes on the foresight, recognition of enemy and that the United States of America is the main enemy of the Islamic government and mentions the consequences of not recognizing the enemy. The absence of a pattern while disrupting the actions of the officials of the government will have a negative effect on the preservation of the Islamic government. The purpose of this research is to achieve the pattern of knowing the enemy from the perspective of Imam Khamenei with an emphasis on the United States of America. The research method is applied in terms of practical purpose, is qualitative and grounded theory in terms of conduction method. In the implementation, after choosing the title of the research, the word mining was done from the original texts and the desired data was determined, and in the first place, open coding and 985 concepts or open codes were extracted.  In axial coding, 57 axial categories were obtained by comparing and categorizing the titles. In the selective coding with a more general classification, the data organized in the form of dimensions or themes reached the number of 5 items, the results of which include factors affecting the recognition of enemies (causal, strengthening, weakening factors), dimensions of enmity, strategic factors of recognition and In the end, the results of enemy recognition were presented in the fourth stage by consulting with experts and implementing the multi-voting technique of modeling and the final pattern.


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