Designing and Explaining the Security Intelligence Model of Senior Governance Managers

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. Candidate in the Organizational Behavior Management at Islamic Azad University, Sari Branch, Iran

2 Assistant Professor at Islamic Azad University, Sari Branch, the Department of Governmental Management, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor at Islamic Azad University, Sari Branch, the Department of Educational Management, Iran


The purpose of this research is to design and explain the security intelligence model of senior governance managers. The current research is exploratory-applicative in terms of its purpose, descriptive-survey in terms of method, and qualitative-quantitative in terms of the nature of the data. It has been completed at three main stages. In the first stage, using the theoretical sampling method, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 12 experts, then, using the grounded theory approach and with the help of NVivo Plus2020 software, the interviews were analyzed and recoded 252 cases as primary concepts from the text. The interviews were identified and classified in the form of 22 main indicators and 150 sub-indexes and in five dimensions. In the quantitative research phase, the model was confirmed after the test. In the second phase of the quantitative part of the research, the statistical population was 280 people, whose sample size was estimated to be 162 people based on Cochran’s formula, and the questionnaires were distributed in multi-stage and random strata. In the third step, after completing the questionnaire, they were analyzed through the data analysis algorithm in PLS software. The results of the qualitative research showed the importance of causal conditions (4 main indicators and 32 sub-indices), intervening conditions (7 main indicators and 46 sub-indices), contextual conditions (3 main indicators and 20 sub-indices), strategic conditions (5 main indicators and 26 sub-indices), and consequent conditions with (3 main indexes and 25 sub-indexes) have been investigated. Also, according to the results of the measurement and structural model, quantitative research, it can be concluded that the model developed in the qualitative part has acceptable validity and reliability and it can be used as a reliable model to explain the security intelligence model of senior governance managers.


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