Expected Value Competencies for the Appointment of Security Managers

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Supreme National Defense University

2 Ph.D. Student of National Security Studies

3 M.A. in counter-intelligence


Focusing on core competencies of human powers will improve the performance of today’s organizations. Now, if focusing on the competencies of the human power is so important that it makes the organization’s performance superior, identifying and focusing on the competencies of managers should be at the top of the priorities; If we add to this prioritization and importance, the important area of the mission and the scope of influence of the counter-intelligence organizations of the armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran; It will definitely lead the mind of every fair investigator to the increasing importance of identifying and rating the competencies of managers and commanders. In the meantime, one of the most important factors of the preference of the competency pattern of managers over other patterns in an ideological country with a divine and religious nature is first the difference in values and then specialized knowledge, professional skills, and etc. In the conventional view of social science thinkers and experts in the West, most of the instrumentalist view is towards qualitative concepts and factors, and of course human-centered development is devoid of spiritual and holy values and outside the values of monotheistic and divine system. From this point of view, a better understanding of the security managers’ qualifications according to Islamic teachings seems necessary. This research aims to identify the value competencies of security managers, which is appropriate to that, through the case-contextual method, in addition to collecting information from the library and field method, 13 security experts have been interviewed. The results obtained with a questionnaire based on the Likert scale including 44 indicators were completed by 133 members of the statistical community, whose validity was confirmed through the judgment of experts and its reliability through Cronbach’s alpha, and in the analysis and weighting Its merits have been exploited by the software (SPSS). The indicators of self-confidence and self-belief, insight (political, social and revolutionary), religious and ideological beliefs, and the proud of being an anonymous soldier of Imam Zaman (p.b.u.h.), from the viewpoint of members of the statistical sample play a role as the most important influencing factors in the value competencies of security managers.


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