Explaining and designing the needs assessment model of the required communication systems in the intelligence-security organizations through the qualitative method of grounded theory

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering- Telecommunications system, Instructor at Farabi University

2 M.A. in Encryption, Senior Researcher of Safe Communications


In the intelligence-security organizations, the categories of making contact, providing and selecting the proper communication tool and securing the security of communications, especially the sensitive communications among assets, agents, liaisons, spotters, sources, informants, agent handlers, customers, corporations, staff and families with the related organization (center) or experts in the all stages of production, preparation, transmission, transfer, receive, extraction, save, distribution or elimination of intelligence is an important issue that ensures the success and survival of that organization. The main purpose of this study is to design a needs assessment model for communication systems in the intelligence-security organizations that has been implemented qualitatively using an approach based on grounded theory. Semi-structured interviews were used to collect data and data analysis was performed through the Strauss and Corbin method and paradigm model. Sampling was done through theoretical method with purposeful technique and snowball and based on that, 19 interviews were conducted with university faculty members and experts working in SAHFAJA (Intelligence protection organization of Iran’s army). The results of the data obtained from the interviews during the open, pivotal and selective coding process, led to the creation of grounded theory in the field of needs assessment of communication systems in intelligence organizations. The results of the present study show the extraction of up to 170 codes or the initial concepts from the interviews as well as the counting of 100 sub-categories and 26 categories, which placed in the form of a paradigm model including the optimal needs assessment of the required communication systems in the intelligence-security organizations as central category, causal conditions (3 category), contextual factors (10 category), intervening conditions (6 category), strategies (3 cases) and consequences (3 category). Finally, tables including the main operational components and important technical components were presented as a checklist for announcing the needs assessment of communication systems.


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