Applying the intelligent systems in the management cycle of ethnic crises

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of International Relations, Supreme National Defense and Strategic Researches University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Ph.D. Candidate in Strategic and Defensive Science, Supreme National Defense and Strategic Researches University, Tehran, Iran.


What is very important in resolving crises is to make timely decisions in accordance with the correct information obtained from environmental analysis, especially rapid environmental changes that impose various conditions on decision makers in a limited time. In this kind of circumstances, “intelligent management systems” that have a high ability to collect, process, analyze, categorize and update information and provide practical solutions in accordance with the existing conditions, can be very efficient in crisis management. In particular, applying these cases in dealing with social crises such as ethic crises that pose effective threats in the national security sphere will be very important, because it is necessary to identify potential and emerging ethic crises in the national environment and take action in the process of prevention, confrontation, reconstruction of damages and etc. in the next steps. Therefore, this study, with the purpose of “explaining the impact of smart systems upon the management cycle of ethnic crises”, attempts to examine the question of “How much is the impact of smart systems upon the management cycle of ethnic crises?”. The research method is applied with the mixed method and the results show that although the effectiveness of intelligent systems in the crisis management cycle, including crisis prevention, crisis- preparedness, coping with crisis and post- crisis reconstruction, is different, but employing these systems is necessary due to the capabilities defined in them.




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