The interactive system of the institution of intelligence and the system of religious democracy in Iran

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Political Science, Amin Police University, Tehran, Iran.


In a system of religious democracy, various institutions are created to stabilize and maintain it, that the institution of intelligence is an example of them. The purpose of this article is to examine the interaction between the institution of intelligence and the religious democracy system in addressing the threats of the religious democracy system, using a systematic approach. Thus, this article is an attempt to provide a reasoned answer to the question of “Can the institution of intelligence be effective in identifying and repelling threats and strengthening and stabilizing the system of religious democracy?” The method of this research is applied in terms of purpose and documentary in terms of implementation method. In addition, the information required for the research has been collected in the form of library collecting from reliable sources and has been analyzed in a descriptive- analytical manner. The research findings indicate that the framework of intelligence performance analysis based on the “Intelligence cycle” model includes threat identification, design and orientation, information collection, analysis and production, distribution and reassessment of threats. An efficient intelligence system must have within itself the principles of directing operations and the ability to measure the effectiveness of its actions, reflect a global balance, have sufficient scope and influence and has clearly identified obstacles to democratic sovereignty. If the input to the system of interaction between religious democracy and intelligence is the threats related to democracy and the rule of religion, the output will be the continued participation of the people in peacefully determining their destiny, the rotation of power, stability, the realization of the spirit of the constitution and Islamic rules at all levels and layers.




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