A model for people-based dealing with unrest through the use of forty years of experience of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


Ph.D. Candidate in National Security at Islamic at Supreme National Defense University


    Forty years have passed since the blessed life of the Islamic Republic of Iran; an age that the country has witnessed ups and downs in various fields. During this period, in addition to successes and progresses in various fields, there were also unrests, the unrests that challenged the holly system of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The unrests that have taken place over the last four decades have often been caused by some operational malfunctions and enemy's plans to exploit existing failures. The Islamic Republic of Iran has also been able to manage the mentioned unrests by paying material and spiritual expenses, which has been the result of the efforts of military, security and intelligence organizations and institutions and the presence and support of the people. The fact is that the role of the people, both as a supporter and a companion and as a major actor, in managing the unrest has been very special and decisive. Review of the subject's literature shows that no model has been presented in explaining the process that people play a role in this critical field. With the purpose of presenting a people-based model for dealing with unrest through the use of forty years of experience of the Islamic Republic of Iran, this article attempts to answer the main question: "What is the people-based model for dealing with unrests?". In this regard, the author has studied the valid Persian and English sources using the library method and then extracted the necessary information. In order to validate the theoretical findings, a researcher-made questionnaire was prepared and provided to 30 experts familiar with the management of unrest as a statistical sample. Findings of the article showed that the factors of the people-based model of dealing with unrest include principles, strategic assets, facilitators and driver that the components of each of the mentioned factors and the relationships between them have been identified and explained.



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    1.www. khamenei.ir