The tendency toward militarization in security strategies of Saudi Arabia in Persian Gulf; causes and consequences (with emphasis on military purchases of Saudi Arabia from U.S. in line with Trump and Obama security document)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. Candidate in International Relations at Islamic Azad University, Isfahan (Khorasgan) branch.

2 Member of scientific board at Islamic Azad University, Department of International Relations, Isfahan (Khorasgan) branch.

3 Member of scientific board at Islamic Azad University, Department of Political Science, Isfahan (Khorasgan) branch.


    While the Persian Gulf is regarded as the most important strategic and security area of ​​Saudi Arabia, due to the weakness in its military power, this country has always played a role in transnational security structures in the region under the titles of Nixon theory, bilateral restraint, the granting of direct and indirect military bases to Western governments, and so on. Following the 9/11 events and growing evidence of U.S. distrust of Saudi Arabia and the visible decline in US military presence in the Persian Gulf due to the consequence of the financial crisis in the West, Saudi Arabia has shifted from purely reliance on the West in security strategies to militarization in the form of the strategies of quantitative and qualitative expansion of military forces, including increased military purchases. The Saudi Arabia's strategy led to the development of arms race and high - tensions relations with Iran, in particular. The main question of the study is what are the causes and consequences of the Saudi Arabia tendency toward military strategy and arms competition in the Persian Gulf, especially during the Obama and Trump era? To answer this question, a descriptive and analytical approach was used to examine the findings of the study and also, some library resources and analysis of the text of U.S. strategic - security documents during the Obama and Trump presidencies were utilized as the information collection tools. The research findings show that the main goal of this strategy of Saudi Arabia is to reduce Iran's regional influence and increase Saudi Arabia's regional competition power with the Islamic Republic of Iran


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