The optimal pattern of problem finding in the policy-making process of the high council of the national security of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. Candidate in in Political Science the tendency of general policy making at Islamic Azad University, Tehran central branch.

2 Assistant Professor at Islamic Azad University, Faculty of Political Science, Tehran central branch


    Policy-making is the result of complex interactions among individuals, institutions, ideas, and interests. Policy-making the high council of the national security of the Islamic Republic of Iran is based on the issues that create security problems for a section or sections of society. Therefore, the proper understanding of the problem plays a key role in initiating the policy-making process, as each wrong step leads to a series of subsequent errors that require a new policy to restore the situation to its original state. This research was conducted with the aim of providing a favorable model for problem finding in the policy-making process. Researchers seek to answer the question that; what is the optimal problem-solving model in the policy-making process of the high council of the national security? The researchers, by using the expert community of 18 people and conducting purposeful quality interviews, extracted key points and important variables of problem solving in the policy-making process of the council and then, by classifying and establishing relationships between variables using content analysis and correlation methods, calculated and presented the main policy-making process in the "problem recognition" stage.
The research results show that the optimal problem-solving model includes five components: the feeling of the problem existence, dissection of the problem, testing the problem with the level of national issues, management process of the national security issue and preparing the issue to enter the policy making agenda.


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